Discipline and Complaints

Discipline & Complaints Procedure

(This procedure is aimed at dealing only with complaints that are serious enough to warrant formal reporting and should be read in conjunction with the Tennis MK rules for Adult and Junior competitions)


If the captain of a team believes that an individual or club, or an individual playing for a club, is involved in what they consider a misdemeanour before, during or after a match/tournament organised by Tennis MK, the captain of that team may raise a complaint by following this procedure.


Resolving issues:

  • The captain of a team with a complaint will raise the matter with the opposing team captain and both parties will attempt to resolve matter informally on the day.

Reporting a complaint:

  • If the captain of the team with the complaint is not satisfied he/she should inform the opposing captain that the matter will be raised formally with Tennis MK. The fixture should be played and scores reported on the online system as normal.
  • The captain proposing to raise a complaint should notify his/her own Club committee.
  • The Captain raising the complaint does so by completing a standard form complaint form (available here) which is then emailed to the Secretary of Tennis MK.
  • A complaint relating to a junior fixture should be lodged by the junior organiser or Club Coach with responsibility for the Club’s junior section.
  • Any complaint must contain full details of the match/Tournament where the alleged misdemeanour has occurred including date and full names of all players who played. A full account of the incident must also be given with names of witnesses, contact details and any action taken on the day.
  • Tennis MK will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and appoint 3 committee members to the disciplinary and complaints sub-committee to investigate as soon as is practicable.

Complaint investigation and decision:

  • Investigations will take place by telephone/email/interview as appropriate to the matter under investigation.
  • A complaint found by the disciplinary and complaints sub-committee to be malicious or vexatious shall render the complainant(s) liable to disciplinary action.
  • The decision of the disciplinary and complaints sub-committee is notified to both participating clubs.
  • Tennis MK shall maintain a private record of all disciplinary investigations and outcomes which shall be used to ensure fairness.
  • Any appeal against the decision or level of sanction must be lodged to the Secretary of Tennis MK within 14 days of the decision being communicated.
  • The decision of the full Management Committee of Tennis MK will be final.


  • Matters involving any potential child protection issue must be dealt with under existing LTA procedures on safeguarding children.
  • This procedure is subject to amendment at the discretion of the management committee of Tennis MK.